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Better Schools = Better Neighborhoods


Homes near top-rated public elementary schools (GreatSchools ratings of 9 or 10) were found to have a median list price nearly 80% higher than homes in the surrounding county.


Homes in highly rated school districts typically sell for up to 20% more than comparable homes in lower-rated districts.


Properties in areas with top-ranked schools often attract multiple offers. Homes in good school districts are viewed 42% more than homes in areas with below-average schools.


Average difference of $205,000 in home prices between houses in high-performing and low-performing school districts.

8 Days

Properties in areas with top-ranked schools often experience shorter time on the market. Homes in higher-rated school districts sell an average of eight days faster than homes in below-average school districts.


A study comparing crime rates and school performance found that areas with schools rated 7 or higher had 30% lower crime rates than areas with schools rated 4 or lower.

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